
학력 | Education

  • 2013 학사 한국과학기술원 건설및환경공학과
  • 2015 석사 한국과학기술원 건설및환경공학과
  • 2023 박사 한국과학기술원 건설및환경공학과

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, 2013
  • Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, 2015
  • Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, 2023

경력 | Career

  • 2024-Present Assistant Professor, Dankook University, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • 2023-2024 Research Associate, Urban Big Data Centre, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
  • 2023 Research Associate, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
  • 2017-2018 Researcher, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea

연구 분야 | Research Interests

  • 도시 모빌리티 | Urban Mobility
  • 도시 에너지 | Urban Energy
  • 지속가능 도시 | Sustaiable City
  • 스마트 도시 | Smart City
  • 도시 빅데이터 및 인공지능 | Urban Big Data & AI